Exterior use - timber cladding, balcony, windows, garden houses, garden furniture etc.
Country Colour is extremely weatherproof, UV resistant and very durable.
Coverage: 1L covers approx 26m2 per coat.
Number of coats: maximum 2 coats on raw wood, 1 coat for renovation applied to a clean and dry surface - no sanding necessary!
All outside wood where exceptional resistance and durability is asked for, such as wooden sidings and claddings, trim, clapboards (shutters), fences, shakes, shingles, pergolas, garden houses, boat houses, garden furniture etc. Good on all kinds of wood, new or weathered, rough or smooth. Ideal to renew previously stained, weathered or discoloured wood surfaces, giving protection and beauty for many years.
Drying time - approx. 12 hours - ensure good ventilation (dust dry - after approx. 6 hours).